Best Essential Oil For Wrinkles On Face

By SophieLast update: 2024-06-06

Clinging to youth is always the biggest dream of many women (and even men) when they’re getting older and older. You likely prefer to look more mature but not a face scattered with wrinkles and dark spots, don’t you?

In this article, we’re going through 4 best essential oil for wrinkles on faces as well as how to use each of them. If you prefer natural alternatives than commercial products then, read on!

Lemon Oil

Best Essential Oil For Wrinkles On Face

If you regularly search for the ingredients of skin-care products, especially the anti-aging, chances are that you’ll find lemon oil in there.

While being unusually rich in vitamin C, several studies have found that lemon oil can limit the damage caused by oxidation, sun impacts (like UV rays) and ambience environment (such as dust, smoke, and pollution).

The biggest selling point is its alpha-tocopherol properties (a sufficient anti-aging ingredient). Next, are glutathione and ascorbic acid.

As a result, it neutralizes free radicals, preventing wrinkles – a common sign of aging.

While tightening all wrinkles, the oil also improves skin elasticity to help it youthful and smoother.

Lemon oil, on the other hand, is high-content in antiseptic properties to work as a detoxifying and astringent oil to remove excessive oil and clear skin efficiently.

But you should notice that lemon oil, like other citrus essential oils, is rather sensitive when directly exposed to sunlight. So, you should store it in shadow as well as use the oil only at night while applying sun scream by day.

Who should use it?

While wanting to remove wrinkles, if you also prefer your skin to be brighter and feel smoother, use this.

How to use

Due to the high-content acid in lemon oil, meaning too abrasive, it’s not advised using in an undiluted form. Instead, you should mix it with jojoba oil or coconut oil.

Applying a thin layer of this mixture after you’ve already finished the toner and serum. Use it in your nighttime skin-care process daily and end it with your face cream.

On daylight, even when you’re indoor, remember to apply sunscreen to your face since vitamin C in lemon oil is prone to phototoxicity though it helps you look brighter.

Rosemary Oil

Best Essential Oil For Wrinkles On Face

Two biggest benefits of rosemary oil for the skin are:

  • Antioxidant properties to prevent free radicals from breaking down your skin's elasticity, hence, tightening wrinkles sufficiently
  • Antibacterial properties to heal different skin conditions, such as eczema, dermatitis, and rosacea, which maintains your overall skin’s health

Meanwhile, rosemary oil is well-known for its circulation stimulation capability on skin by reducing excessive water on the skin. People with puffiness and want to get rid of it should use this.

Who should use this?

People with oily skin who want to:

  • Delay the aging process
  • Prevent acne
  • Heal different skin conditions: dermatitis, rosacea, and eczema
  • Prevent damage thorough the day, like sunlight, pollutions, dust, and smoke.

How to use

To retain your youth, following this method:

  • 1 tbsp. jojoba oil + 2 tbsp. rosemary oil + 1 tbsp. coconut oil melted with 1 tbsp. beeswax.

Apply a thin layer of this mixture cream on your face after using toner and serum in your nighttime skin-care process. Use it daily for the best results. You will find a fresher and smoother skin the next morning.

After 2 months of daily use, you will see a noticeable change on your face skin. Feel like 18 again.

If you want it to look glower, this is another bonus method for you:

  • 4 drops rosemary oil + 1 tbsp. honey + 2 tbsp. yogurt

Apply this mixture twice a week as a face mask for 15 or 20 minutes until it’s completely dried on your skin. Wash it off by using your face wash and it’d better use moisturizer cream afterward.

After 1 – 2 weeks, you will find the difference.

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil has been famous in cosmetics through ancient literature for its relaxing fragrance. Meanwhile, it, according to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, is a potent medicine or reliable ingredient in beauty products.

So, what are the medical properties that sandalwood oil has?

Best Essential Oil For Wrinkles On Face

Three worth-attending features are:

  • Antioxidant properties which lead to anti-aging
  • Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-proliferative properties resulting in anti-acne, remedies for warts, eczema, and psoriasis
  • Skin softening

On the other hand, this is known as an active oil used in many skincare products thanks to its Alpha-santalol properties. They help to prevent cholinesterase and tyrosinase (two enzymes that encourage the melanin pigment production).

Skin that is suffering sunlight for a long time – a common matter that consequences in the quick aging process – will need a coolant to recover.

Sandalwood oil with an emphasis on sesquiterpenoids (another constituent that catalyzes oxygen molecules to skin cells) will help you with that.

Who should use this?

  • Delay aging process: Dark spots, sagging, and wrinkles
  • Heal moderate facial acne
  • Soften skin
  • Recover different skin conditions: warts, psoriasis, and eczema

How to use

Fill a 4.5-ounce bottle with these ingredients:

  • 5 drops sandalwood oil
  • 9 drops lavender
  • 5 drops helichrysum
  • 5 drops myrrh
  • 5 drops frankincense
  • 5 drops geranium
  • 2 drops fennel
  • 4 drops rose

Now, finish the mixing process with 50/50 aloe and blend raw organic coconut oil. Cap with a squeezy top and shake evenly the mixture. Or, you can get some help from a Magic Bullet to have a finer consistency.

This is an effective DIY face cleanser of many beauty gurus.

The whole process will be time-taking in the preparing step. The rest will only take you under 10 minutes to finish. It’s good if you make this during your off days. Use it as your normal face cleanser and store in cool compartment of your fridge. It will last for a month.

Carrot Seed Oil

The last essential oil in this list might sound unfamiliar to some people, but in the skin-care industry and within the beauty guru world, it’s like a magical ingredient to retain the youth.

Enriched in antioxidants make carrot seed essential oil receive much to laud and application in anti-aging products.

This polyphenol helps to improve humans’ liver-protecting qualities or in other words, it prevents cell damage and oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Hence, protecting your liver better.

Note: Carrot seed essential oil is different from carrot oil which is a carrier oil enriched in vitamin A.

Best Essential Oil For Wrinkles On Face

Another amazing benefit of this oil, accordingly to an oft-cited study published in 2009 by an Indian university, is the ability to block UV rays with SPF around 40. In other words, it can be utilized as a natural sun-protecting, UV-blocking agent in place of chemical-rich products.

Who should use this?

  • Prevent wrinkles
  • Block harmful UV rays (if you have sensitive skin that is frequently allergic to chemical sunscreen products)

How to use

Since this is a kind of essential oil, you can’t apply it directly to your skin but rather diluting it for safety. After consulting and testing many methods, we conclude to the most effective way to use carrot seed essential oil to prevent wrinkles – Face scrub.

  • (2 tbsp. coconut oil + 2 tsp. organic honey + 4 tbsp. coffee grounds) + 8 drops carrot seed oil + 6 drops tea tree oil

You should carry out the whole process in a Magic Bullet or a small bowl, blend everything nicely and finally, store the mixture in a small glass jar. Place in the cool compartment of your fridge.

Use this DIY face scrub once or twice a week for the best results. Pat your skin dry and apply a reasonable amount of products on. Gently scrub it around different areas on your face and neck for 1 minute.

Avoid the eye areas. Then, wash with clean water.


The reason we provide different ways to use each kind of essential oil is to let you combine different oils for the highest results. For example, you can use the carrot seed oil face scrub to eliminate dead skin, then wash it off with sandalwood oil face wash.

Finish your skin-care process with the rosemary oil cream or lemon oil mixture. If your budget is on the table, invest for a reliable essential oil diffuser isn’t a bad thing.

While helping your skin to absorb the oil in a safe way, we believe the good fragrance of them will soothe your mind and mood as well. Thanks for reading.

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